
CS Student & Customer Service Assistant
I grew up in three countries and I am fluent in 5 different languages.
- Website: ashrafsalman.com
- City: Manchester, United Kingdom
- Degree: BSc Computer Science
- Email: salman.ashraf2513@gmail.com
I coded at the age of 15 for the first time. I programmed a small piece of hardware made of LEDs, a tiny speaker and a button, called Microbit. I used MakeCode software to input a message based on some letters and sounds. I also programmed a line-follower car using Arduino. Ever since then I have been involved with computers and coding. I decided Computer Science to be career path after I finished my GCSEs.
Interesting things about me
Spoken Languages
Hours Of Customer Support
An every day improving programmer. I always strive to improve my abilities to learn concepts and apply them to other problems.
BSc Computer Science
2021 - present
The University Of Manchester
- This course is based on the development of new programs in science and engineering. It will provide me with the skills needed to contribute to the rapidly growing computing fields.
- The course aims to equip the students with the logic behind programming, explain different aspects of software, and introduce finance instruments. This content is delivered across 3 years.
- Main course units: Python, Java, C-language, Heskell, Data Science, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Logic and Modelling, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms and Data Structures, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Algorithms and Complexity, Computer Vision, and Cyber Security.
Information Technology
June 2022
Bright Network Internship Experience
- Implemented Amazon's path-finding algorithm for the self-driving delivery vehicles using Pseudocode and Python
- Operated via graph abstraction using the A* search method to find the shortest path between nodes on a 2-D grid.
- Calculated the 0(n) values along 10+ individuals to analyse and improve the informal complexity of the programs.
Customer Service Assistant
Jan 2021 - Present
Tesco Extra, Gorton, Manchester
- Recorded over 1000 hours of customer assistance and received an average 85\% customer satisfaction rating.
- Generated an 8\% increase in weekly routines through collaboration with teams to perform tasks and achieve goals.
- Got rewarded with a thank you bonus worth 1.25\% of annual wage of year 2021 for providing excellent service.
Learn about my projects and courseworks completed during my academic years. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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Manchester, United Kingdom